A Year of Kindness: Be kind to yourself

"As it turns out, we can’t practice compassion with other people if we can’t treat ourselves kindly.” – Brene Brown

ssm health april be kind to the earth

Growing up, most of us were taught the “golden rule” – the principle that says we should treat others as we would like for them to treat us. When we follow the golden rule, we are inspired to extend respect, kindness, and fairness to those around us.

But what if we shook up the golden rule? Pause for a moment and reflect: What would it look like if I treated others the way I treat myself? How would it sound if I talked to others the way I talk to myself? Would I behave or talk to a loved one – or even a patient – the way I treat or talk to myself?

We tend to be our own harshest critics, focusing on our faults or mistakes and overlooking our strengths. And for those with careers dedicated to health care, it’s all too common to place the needs of others, both physical and emotional, above their own. When was the last time you did something nice for yourself or said something kind or nurturing to yourself?

Practicing self-kindness requires an internal reflection and a personal commitment to our happiness and well-being. We deserve our own compassion, understanding, and forgiveness for our flaws and mistakes, much like we’d extend to a friend or someone we love. This is an ongoing process, but every small step counts – and it will look different for each of us. Being kind to yourself is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your overall well-being, and ultimately for those around you.

May prompts

As we continue our Year of Kindness at SSM Health in May, we are focusing on practicing self-love and gratitude. Please, join us! 

May 5- May 12 Dedicate time each day to write down three things from your day that made you feel grateful or happy.
May 13 - May 19 Take a walk or bike ride on a trail you haven’t explored before.
May 20 - May 26 Research and plan a vacation for the future, creating an itinerary and exploring options.
May 27 - June 2 Prioritize your well-being. Ask yourself each day – am I hydrated? Am I nourishing myself properly? If the answer is no, make the needed adjustments to care for you.

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