Interested in Joining SSM Health Managed Care Organization (MCO)?

Submit a Membership Application

Physicians with SSM board-approved medical staff privileges at an SSM Health St. Louis hospital are eligible for membership in the SSM Health Managed Care Organization.


SSM Health Managed Care Organization

Established in 1994, the SSM Health Managed Care Organization (MCO) offers participating providers more than 45 managed care contracting opportunities within the St. Louis metro area. Its contracts include commercial products, workers’ compensation, behavioral medicine, Medicare HMOs and managed Medicaid products. Reimbursement is non-risk, fee-for-service, and some contracts do include primary care capitation.

The SSM Health MCO was designed to create an integrated and coordinated network of health care providers for participation in managed health care plans and to provide support services, such as delegated credentialing and re-credentialing that may be related to those plans. It also offers unique and distinctive managed health care products to purchasers, emphasizing the coordinated provision of appropriate medical services in a cost-effective manner.

SSM Health MCO’s corporate structure and support system enables continued growth in the insurance market. Its membership includes over 2,300 providers in the St. Louis area, including SSM Health Medical Group, SSM Health Rehabilitation Hospital, SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital and independent community providers.

Are you already a member of the MCO and need to update your demographic information?

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