The IMAGINE Program

Empowering children and families with digestive difficulties.

At SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital our IMAGINE program helps children struggling with digestive challenges by providing them with holistic, evidence-based care that treats the whole person, not just the symptoms.

What is the Imagine Program? 

Our goal through the IMAGINE program (Integrative Medicine Addressing Gastro Intestinal Needs with Evidence) is to combine the best of modern medicine with complementary and integrative therapies to help children with digestive challenges thrive.

The IMAGINE program focuses on sustainable changes to empower children and families to become active participants in their own health journey. Through education we partner with families to build lasting healthy habits and prioritize gentle, non-invasive interventions whenever possible to minimize medication dependence.

Could your child benefit from treatment?

The IMAGINE program can help pediatric patients and their families identify, manage, and improve many digestive conditions including:

How does the IMAGINE program work?

This comprehensive digestive health program is based on scientific research and proven healing therapies for pediatric patients including:

  • Nutritional supplements:  We personalize dietary plans and recommend evidence-based supplements to address nutritional deficiencies and support gut health.
  • Individualized dietary modifications:  We collaborate with families to tailor diets to each child's unique needs and preferences, promoting long-term healthy eating habits.
  • Herbal remedies:  When appropriate, we utilize researched herbal remedies to complement other therapies and alleviate symptoms.
  • On-site clinical psychologist:  We recognize the mind-body connection and offer psychological support to manage stress and anxiety that can exacerbate digestive issues.
  • Referrals to holistic care:  We connect families with proven complementary therapies like yoga and hypnosis, which can effectively manage functional nausea and pain syndromes.

What happens during the first appointment?

Patients and their families will meet with SLUCare Physician Group providers. This multidisciplinary team includes a gastroenterologist, a child psychologist, and a social worker and dietician. 

The first appointment will take approximately one hour to gather medical history, discuss your child’s needs, and develop a holistic treatment plan. We will also schedule a virtual follow-up appointment with our dietician to assess any nutritional needs. Once established, patients visit the office every 4-8 weeks based on their digestive condition and progress.

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