Spinal Disorders & Injuries

For the treatment of spinal disorders and injuries, SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital has a team of SLUCare Physician Group specialists from pediatric orthopedics and neurosurgery who diagnose and treat children from infancy through early adulthood.

Common Spinal Conditions We Treat

  • Congenital spinal conditions
  • Spine deformities
  • Injuries to spine and spinal cord
  • Spinal Tumors


A sideways curvature of the spine. The condition may cause a child to have trouble walking or standing up straight. The curvature may be visible on the back as a child bends down. A bump in the lower back or uneven shoulders or hips also may be noticeable. In more than 80 percent of all cases, the cause is unknown. A neuromuscular disorder, such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, or spina bifida, however, may cause scoliosis. A brace may be prescribed for children to wear while their bones are still growing to treat a mild case and prevent the spine from curving further. In some cases, spinal surgery will be recommended to straighten the spine.


A forward curvature of the spine that can cause a person to appear hunchbacked. In children, kyphosis can be caused by a deformity of the spine or in children with some neuromuscular disorders. Surgery can often correct the deformity.


A fracture in a vertebra (bone) of the spine. It can be diagnosed at birth (congenital) or be caused by a traumatic injury or repeated stress to the bones during activities such as golf, football, gymnastics, or weightlifting. The most common symptom is low back pain. Treatment is usually rest as the bone heals and physical therapy. A back brace also may be recommended.


An exaggerated inward curvature of the spine, usually in the lower back but also sometimes occurring in the neck. The condition gives a child a swayback appearance.

The spine specialists at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon offer both non-surgical and surgical options to treat spinal disorders and injuries. They offer the latest treatments for both trauma-related and congenital spinal problems and are among the St. Louis region’s most experienced physicians treating Level I spinal injuries.

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