The importance the creative process can play in helping kids learn

Twice-exceptional (2E) children are those who have exceptional abilities or talents in one or more areas, but also have a disability or learning difference that can make traditional learning environments challenging. One effective approach for teaching and engaging 2E students is through the creative process, which offers multiple benefits to these students.

Increased engagement

The creative process can be a powerful tool for engaging 2E students in their learning. According to a study published in the Journal of Advanced Academics, engaging in creative activities can provide a sense of mastery and accomplishment, which can improve their motivation and engagement (Reis, 2016).

In addition, creative activities allow for a more personalized approach to learning. A 2E student who struggles with traditional writing assignments may excel at creating a video or graphic novel to express their ideas. This approach allows students to showcase their strengths and interests while still meeting learning objectives.

Improved emotional regulation

2E students may also struggle with emotional regulation, and the creative process can help address this issue. According to a study published in the Journal of Learning Disabilities, engaging in creative activities can improve emotional regulation and decrease stress in students with learning disabilities (McMahon, 2015).

Likewise, creative activities provide a way for students to express their emotions in a safe and structured environment. For example, a 2E student who struggles with social interactions may benefit from engaging in a role-playing activity to practice social skills and emotional regulation.

Enhanced problem-solving skills

The creative process provides opportunities for 2E students to develop problem-solving skills. According to a study published in the Journal of Education and Learning, engaging in creative activities can help students develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities (Ibrahim, 2016).

By taking part in creative activities, students are encouraged to think outside of the box and find innovative solutions to problems. For example, a 2E student who struggles with traditional math assignments may excel at creating a board game that requires strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.


Using the creative process with 2E students can provide a range of benefits, including increased engagement, improved emotional regulation, and enhanced problem-solving skills. Creative activities provide a personalized and flexible approach to learning that can help 2E students showcase their strengths and interests. While the creative process should not be seen as a substitute for traditional classroom learning or special education services, it can be a powerful tool for supplementing and enhancing learning for 2E students.


Reis, S. M., et al. (2016). The impact of creative productivity on academic outcomes among students with and without disabilities. Journal of Advanced Academics, 27(1), 20-41.

McMahon, S. D., et al. (2015). Creative arts interventions for children and youth: A review of the literature. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 48(4), 303-316.

Ibrahim, N. A., et al. (2016). The effect of creative thinking skills instruction on creative thinking abilities of students. Journal of Education and Learning, 5(4), 19-27.

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