Screenings & Prevention

Eating healthy and nutritious foods, avoiding cigarette smoke and tobacco, exercising, and protecting yourself from the sun are just a few things you can do to reduce your risk of cancer. SSM Health providers are here to help you on your journey to wellness. Consider making an appointment with a primary care provider to discuss other lifestyle habits that may help.

Cancer Prevention & Your Diet

How much do lifestyle habits affect your risk for cancer? Quite a bit more than you may think. Studies have shown that poor diet and inactivity are two risk factors for cancer. Both of which, you have control over.

Some of the most important things you can do are:

  • Maintain a healthy, balanced weight
  • Be physically active on a regular basis
  • Consistently choose healthy foods, with a focus on those that are plant based

Making healthy choices decreases certain risks of cancer. These choices also contribute to your overall wellbeing. If you’re interested in learning more, contact your primary care provider and ask for a referral to a dietitian near you.

Cancer & Tobacco Use

A majority of all lung cancer deaths can be tied to tobacco smoke. Unfortunately, smoking puts more than just the lungs at risk. Smoking tobacco is also responsible for most cancers of the oral cavity area.

There is good news though! Within minutes of smoking your last cigarette, your body begins its recovery process. Not all benefits to quitting appear right away, some will take a bit more time to notice. Some benefits from quitting include:

  • Food has more flavor, tastes better
  • Sense of smell improves
  • Breath, hair and clothes smell better
  • Teeth and fingernails stop yellowing
  • Feel healthier, less out of breath

Quitting may not be easy. But SSM Health is here to help. Schedule an appointment with your primary care provider and we’ll work with you to develop a plan specific to your needs.

Sun & Other Types of Radiation

The sun and other forms of radiation also pose a risk for cancer. It’s important to minimize your exposure and protect yourself properly when you are in the sun. Learn more about the effects of the sun and how you can keep your skin healthy.

There are a lot of things to consider when trying to stay healthy. Your care team at SSM Health is here to guide you when you need it and provide additional support.

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