Pediatric Heart Failure & Transplant

At SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, we have a comprehensive team of specialists to evaluate and treat children diagnosed with heart failure. We offer some of the most advanced procedures, including implantation of ventricular assist devices (VADs) and pediatric heart transplant.

What Causes Heart Failure?

Heart failure may be caused by an infection that damages the heart muscle or be the result of a congenital heart defect such as:

  • A hole in between the chambers of the heart
  • Leaky or narrowed heart valves
  • Abnormal major arteries connected to the heart
  • Abnormally formed heart

Heart failure also may be caused when the heart develops or has electrical problems, causing abnormal heart rhythms. Other medical or genetic disorders may also lead to heart failure.

Signs & Symptoms

In infants, heart failure symptoms are often subtle, including poor feeding, some breathing difficulty, and possibly swelling of the feet, ankles, lower legs, abdomen, face, or neck.

Parents should note if their child has rapid or difficulty breathing, or is uninterested in eating and can’t feed for more than a short period of time.

Older children and teens may feel tired faster, have an irregular heartbeat, labored breathing, or develop a chronic cough. They also may have a need to urinate more often at night.

Our Expertise

Our dedicated Heart Failure Program is led by pediatric specialists who can rapidly evaluate your child. We offer advanced testing, including electrocardiograms and 4D Flow MRI imaging as well as more common X-rays and echocardiograms to determine the best treatment options.

Cardiac Catherization

If a heart catheterization is recommended, we have a team of interventional cardiologists to lead those procedures, and we are nationally accredited by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission for Pediatric Cardiovascular Catheterization.

Custom 3D Printed Model

When needed, we will also make a custom 3-D printed model of your child’s heart to aid in pre-procedure planning.


Treatment Options

Children with heart failure can be treated with medications or nutritional supplements as prescribed by cardiologists. More severe cases may require Cardiac Assist Devices (pacemaker, VADs) or a Pediatric Heart Transplant.

Heart Transplant

Learning your child needs a heart transplant can be scary, but our team of experts will be by your side the entire way.

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Heart Failure & Cardiomyopathy Specialty Clinic

To care for children with heart failure, we offer a dedicated Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Specialty Clinic every Thursday.

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