General Resources

    For various reasons, a resident may begin training in a program but later want to change disciplines by transferring to another program within or outside of Saint Louis University, or by re-applying for training. In some cases this may be done by re-entering the Match, however, this may not be required for all programs. The decision to changes disciplines often occurs during the PGY-1 year with start of training in the new program anticipated for the start of the PGY-2 year.

    Residents sign one-year program-specific training agreements at Saint Louis University and are expected to honor this contract. A resident can be released from a training contract with 60 days written advance notice to the program, however this does not imply that alternate training will be made available at Saint Louis University.

    All appointments and reappointments including resident transfer between programs are approved by the Office of Graduate Medical Education. Resident transfers between programs will be approved only after is it determined that, 1) ACGME accreditation and available positions will support the transfer appointment, 2) funding for the existing or new positions is obtained, 3) departmental chairs and program directors from both programs agree to the terms of the transfer and communicate this in writing to the Office of Graduate Medical Education.

    Vacating a residency position creates clinical, patient care and scheduling challenges for the program, and filling a vacant position may not always be possible. A resident desiring to transfer between programs at the start of the next academic year should not sign a renewal appointment with the current program. To allow the program an opportunity to potentially fill or place a vacated position in the Match, the resident should inform the program director by the end of January in the year of the Match when strongly considering transferring to another program.

    It is professional courtesy for the resident to inform the program director when a decision to leave or transfer programs is being seriously considered. The program director should offer the resident career counseling and make use of the GME Ombudsman to assist the trainee as needed. Consideration of leaving a program is not grounds for termination or non-renewal of a training contract if the resident is performing expected duties in a satisfactory manner. Retaliation or aversive treatment of a resident after revealing a desire or decision to leave a program will not be tolerated.

    If approached by a resident inquiring about a transfer, the recipient program director may indicate if positions are available but should not offer, hold or promise a position to a resident in another program prior to discussing the situation with the current training program director. If confidentiality or resident concerns prevent direct communication between a resident and program director or between directors of a transferring and receiving program, the Office of Graduate Medical Education will facilitate these conversations through the GME Ombudsman or other designee.

    SSM Health/SLU SOM has several mechanisms for residents to make concerns known:

    • Residents can raise concerns via the Office of Professional Oversight. This office is directed by Lisa Israel who also serves as the GME Ombudsman. Concerns can be raised to this office in person or anonymously by students, staff, faculty, housestaff and hospital personnel. The office is located in room T-6417 of Desloge Tower at SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital. To reach this office, call 314-577-8933 or email
    • Residents can raise concerns anonymously through the following Saint Louis University School of Medicine Grievance Reporting Form webpage.
    • Residents can bring concerns to chief residents within the program, to the program director, or to the departmental chair.
    • Residents can meet confidentially with Julie Gammack, M.D., associate dean for GME, at 314-977-9851.
    • The Saint Louis University Resident Association has peer-elected leaders (president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary). These individuals can hear concerns and bring these to the GME leadership. Residents are informed of the role of SLURA during orientation and during the annual election of officers.
    • At least once each year, the GME office holds a resident forum in which residents can raise concerns. Residents can call into this meeting anonymously and if they are assigned to a remote training site. SLURA officers take notes and report concerns to the GME leadership who are not present at the meeting. The GMEC resident members are also available to hear concerns.
    • GMEC resident members are peer-elected and residents are informed of the role of these members and this committee in hearing their concerns.
    • SLUSOM has a resident ombudsman, The Director of the Office of Professional Oversight, who is available for residents when concerns arise. Residents may confidentially approach the ombudsman or may be referred from the DIO, program director or others. The ombudsman can be reached at 314-577-8933 or
    • SSM Health/SLU SOM has a compliance hotline which allows anyone to anonymously report concerns of any nature at 1-877-525-KNOW (5669). Matters related to GME would be referred to the DIO from this hotline.
    • Each hospital has an electronic event reporting system which allows anonymous reporting of any concern, including issues of personnel or professionalism. Events related to GME are regularly sent to the DIO and the program director through this event reporting system.
    • As a benefit of the University Health Plan, residents have access to 24-hour confidential behavioral health assistance. Residents can self-refer and see specialists with on-campus office hours.

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