Wrist or Hand Pain

The wrist, hand, and fingers are vulnerable to injury in many competitive and contact sports, and injuries occur even when using protective gear. Many injuries can be treated with the RICE method, but if the pain continues, SSM Health Orthopedics specialists are here to help.

The most common wrist and hand injuries seen in athletes include:

  • Fractures
  • Wrist or finger sprains
  • Wrist tendonitis
  • UCL of the thumb injuries
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • De Quervain's tenosynovitis

What Can You Do to Help Your Wrist Pain?

Initial treatment for most types of hand pain is similar.

The RICE Method

RRest the injured area.
IIce the injury for 20 minutes at a time. Do not apply the ice directly to the skin.
CCompress the injured area with a wrap. Do not pull the wrap tightly, as this can cut off circulation.
EElevate the injured area above the heart

See other prevention and treatment suggestions in the Sprains, Strains, Tendonitis tab.

If wrist or hand pain does not resolve with these treatment methods, call an SSM Health Orthopedics specialist.

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