Abdomen & Intestines

At the SSM Health Cardinal Glennon St. Louis Fetal Care Institute, we understand the anxiety and worry you may have if your baby has been diagnosed with a defect in their abdomen or intestines. Our SLUCare Physician Group doctors are specially trained to help you and your baby, providing the advanced monitoring, treatment and support you need to relieve your anxiety and give your baby the best start in life.

Our team of specialists will perform a thorough evaluation, so we can determine the best treatment for your baby. From your first appointment to your last, our fetal and baby specialists are available to care for you and your baby’s complex needs. Our multi-disciplinary team collaborates across our hospital to provide your baby the specialized care they require.

The following are some of the conditions we treat which impact the abdomen and intestines:

  • Intestinal Atresia - A blockage in the fetal intestines, either caused by injury or improper development.
  • Gastroschisis - A hole in the abdominal wall at the belly button that causes the intestines to protrude outside the body without protection.
  • Omphalocele - A hole in the abdominal wall at the belly button that causes the intestines to protrude outside the body into a thin membrane sac.
  • Prune Belly Syndrome - A group of abnormalities including deficient or absent abdominal muscles, urinary tract abnormalities and undescended testicles.

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